23 ½ Lies by James Patterson contains 3 Bookshots

23 ½ Lies (Women’s Murder Club) by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro

Fallen Ranger by James Patterson and Andrew Bourelle

Watch Your Back by James Patterson and Loren D. Estleman

Released 2023.09.12   | Finished 2024.05.06 | Borrowed from local library

This is a collection of three BookShots and termed by Patteson with each having a theme of lies.

In 23 ½ Lies, Patterson and Paetro share a story about the Women’s Murder Club. Marty Boxer, Lindsey’s long lost father, shows up killed execution style within walking distance of her precinct. As the title implies, Lindsey learns some truths about Marty.

In Fallen Ranger, Patterson and Bourelle share a story about the investigation of the XYZ Gang and the Cereal Killer by the Texas Rangers around the town of Snakebite. Ranger Carlos Castillo, a friend of Ranger Rory Yates, asks Yates to investigate the Gang while reporting that he is investigating the Cereal Killer, a cold case. Castillo suspects that a former ranger is involved. He has two men with whom he associates that have records. Complicating the matter farther, the former ranger was Yates mentor when he joined the Rangers.

Watch Your Back by Patterson and Estleman share a story about an artist, Dennis Cooke, who is hired by media tycoon Todd Plevin to spy on his wife. The wife is going to drive from Illinois to California to attend a medical convention for her administrative job. Plevin wants Cooke to follow her to discover who she is actually going to meet. Cooke, who takes the job though stating he is no detective, is promised the new car he is to drive and $20,000 for taking the job with an additional $10,000 for discovering evidence to use in divorce court.

About the Authors

James Patterson (James Brendan Patterson) was born on March 22, 1947, in Newburgh, New York. His parents were middle class with his mother listed as a homemaker and teacher and his father an insurance broker. Patterson graduated with a BA in English from Manhattan College and MA from Vanderbilt University (where he was in the PhD program before taking an advertising executive position). He became a full-time writer in 1996. He married in 1997 and they have a child. The family lives in Lake Worth Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida

 A popular author, according to the article on Wikipedia, his annual income has been up to $95M with his income for the last decade has been estimated at $700M. He has sold more than 425M copies of his books. His name appears as an author on 388 books. (List has previously been given)

Maxine Paetro is a former advertising executive (1975-1987), she published books on advertising before writing several titles of fiction. Broccoli Hall (Amenia, New York), her garden has been featured in national magazines (House & Garden, Victoria, Country Garden, and Country Homes). The garden is in the Garden Conservancy Open Days Program. She also refined and developed a variety of koi known as Ki Shusui, followed on Koiphen.com

Andrew Bourelle Associate Professor Andrew Bourelle has writing credits in fiction and non-fiction. His work appears in a number of literary magazines and anthologies as well as novels alone and in partnership with James Patterson. His non-fiction work can be found in Communication Design Quarterly, composition Forum, Computers and Composition, Journal of Business and Technical Communication, Journal of Teaching Writing, Kairos, and Technical Communication Quarterly. He teaches at the University of New Mexico. His classes include rhetoric and writing and creative writing.

He has 19 books associated with his name.

Loren D. Estleman (9/15/1952 in Ann Arbor, MI -) writes fiction (detective and Western). Old school, he writes on a manual typewriter. Estleman graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a BA in English and journalism. His writing career opened with The Oklahoma Punk, a PI Amos Walker novel, in 1976. His writing has been awarded the American Mystery Awards, Golden Spurs, and 3 Western Heritage Awards. He has also been honored by the Michigan Foundation of the Arts and the Michigan Library Association.

He has 98 books and multitudes of articles associated with his name.

Maxine Paetro Book List

title co-author publication date
The 24th
Hour: Is This The End?
James Patterson 2024.05.06
23 1/2
Lies (BookShots Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2023.09.12
Midnight (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2023.05.01
Seconds (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2022.05.02
Birthday (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2021.05.03
The 20th
Victim (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2020.05.04
Christmas (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2019.10.07
Abduction (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2019.04.29
Suspect (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2018.04.30
Medical Examiner (BookShots Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2017.08.01
Seduction (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2017.05.01
Woman of
James Patterson 2016.09.26
Trial (BookShots Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2016.07.05
Affair (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2016.05.02
The Paris Mysteries
James Patterson 2015.309.15
The Murder of an Angel
James Patterson 2015.10.26
Deadly Sin (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2015.05.04
Vegas (Jack Morgan)
James Patterson 2015.01.26
13 (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2014.05.05
The Private School Murders
James Patterson 2013.10.07
12th of
Never (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2013.04.29
of a Murder Suspect
James Patterson 2012.09.24
Hour (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2012.05.07
#1 Suspect (Jack Morgan)
James Patterson 2012.01.02
Anniversary (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2011.05.02
(Jack Morgan)
James Patterson 2010.06.28
The 9th
Judgment (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2010.04.26
Confession (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2009.08.01
Swimsuit James Patterson 2009.06.29
Heaven (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2008.02.04
The 6th
Target (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2007.05.08
The 5th
Horseman (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2006.02.13
4th of
July (Women’s Murder Club)
James Patterson 2005.05.02
Lovers: The Magnificent Shattered Lives of Bobby Darin and Sandra Dee
Dodd Darin 1994.09.29
Windfall 1991.08.01
Manshare 1986.04.01
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