The Reaper Follows by Heather Graham

Released 2024.04.02   | Finished 2024.05.22  | Borrowed from local library

The fourth book in the series – the previous being Danger in Numbers, Crimson Summer, and Shadow of Death – the main characters Agent Amy Larson of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) on loan to the FBI and Special Agent Hunter Forrest of the FBI have been solving cases that use the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. This case is the pale horseman, the final. The agents with the help of members of the FDLE have been able to identify the first three horsemen and hope that the fourth will lead them to the mastermind behind the crimes, the Archangel.

In this case, the crimes involve a presidential candidate who is trying to bring the left and the right to the bargaining table. He advocates bringing opposing sides together, listening to both arguments of an issue, and negotiating a compromise. The candidate, Frank Hamilton, has drawn support from a group known as the Commonsense Party who are tired of the extremes of the political parties and lack of compromise.

When bodies are found in the Everglades that are members of the Commonsense Party and ties to a previously unknown church, the investigation includes Larson and Forrest when a pale horse is found in the hand of one of the deceased. The investigation looks at Hamilton’s group when it is discovered that some of the murder victims and kidnapped victims were ‘recruited’ during rallies for Hamilton.

Unfortunately for the agents and the team of agencies involved, the team cannot complete an area before new ones are found. Unluckily for the Archangel, the team is made of local police, tribal police, state police, and federal police. There will be no jurisdictional issues in making an arrest if the culprit can be identified and verified.

About the Author

Heather Graham Pozzessere, Heather Graham, Shannon Drake

Heather was born on March 15, 1953, in Dade County, Florida. She married Dennis Pozzessere after finishing high school and then entered South Florida University where she earned a degree in theater arts. Her resume includes bar tendering, dinner theater, singing vocals as backup. Following the birth of her third child, she decided to become a stay-at-home mom and began writing. She sold her first novel, When Next We Love, in 1982. Her bio on the book jacket states that she is a scuba diver, ballroom dancer, the mother of five, and enjoys traveling.

Heather writes under all three names – depending on the genre of fiction that she is writing. She has over 280 titles under the three names combined.

Author: Another Armchair Opinion

Retired, full of opinions. I really didn't like that about older people when I was young. Perspectives change and time goes by. I do a lot of reading (see book reviews which does not cover the scope of my reading) and a lot of writing (that is not here yet but in notebooks that are acting as journals and allows me to blow-off steam there and a released novel under the name of Leona Halmer). There is little rhyme or reason to the topics I might tackle outside of the book reviews as each moment brings another chance to have another armchair opinion

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